Artist Opportunities

Check out these calls for art and upcoming events in Rahway where artists can perform, show and sell their work.

Calls for artists, art proposals, art fairs/festivals, exhibitions, and performance opportunities in Rahway, NJ are listed here as a service to the local creative community. To add or remove a listing, please contact us.

Calls with upcoming deadlines

Call for Art

Atelier Rosal, 74 East Cherry Street, Rahway, NJ
Submission Deadline: April 6, 2025; Midnight

UNBOXED: Beyond Borders is an Orana Arts pilot project involving Studio Co!Lab members of Orana Arts and artists from New Jersey, USA, invited by Nick Rosal of Atelier Rosal. The Studio Co!Lab network of Orana Arts consists of artists from across Regional New South Wales, Australia.

Studio Co!Lab members and invited US artists, through Atelier Rosal (10 artists from Australia and 10 from the US), will be exhibiting works on paper (drawings, paintings, photographs, paper constructions, chap books of written work, musical scores/lyrics, digital (audio visual).

Open to all media that can theoretically fit in any medium sized suitcase excluding sculpture. Digital artists are responsible for their own presentation platforms and display mechanisms.

Please submit a 50-word bio and 100-word artist statement with the work about how it addresses the theme of Beyond Borders (beyond the geopolitical, migration, climate borders). Works to be exhibited at Atelier Rosal (or another agreed upon venue). NJ-based artists are invited to respond to theme or works across mediums.

There will be an opportunity for online connection between artists through an Orana Arts UNBOXED ‘roundtable’ event on Zoom during the presentation of work.

This collaboration presents the following opportunities:

  • International presentation, collaboration, and networking opportunity.
  • Start a conversation that might deepen over time and with more funding.
  • This is a pilot to develop a case study for funding future opportunities, including residencies, presentations of work and potentially exchanges.

This call is open to both emerging and established artists in any medium. For a sample of the work being delivered please request with your submission. Please email links of images to

Open Call for LGBTQIA+ Inspired Art

Atelier Rosal, 74 East Cherry Street, Rahway, NJ
Submission Deadline: May 5, 2025; Midnight

To celebrate Pride Month, Atelier Rosal will be featuring LGBTQIA+ inspired artwork. We are currently accepting submissions for PRIDE: STRONG.

Artwork included in this exhibition should represent and celebrate what PRIDE means to the artist and/or LGBTQIA+ community.

This call is open to both emerging and established artists who work in any 2D style or medium. Art not to exceed 24”x30” framed. Please email links of images to:

Ongoing Opportunities


Melao Cafe & Creamery, 1425 Irving Street, Rahway, NJ

ACP Arts Ink presents What’s the Word?, a monthly poetry open mic and spoken word slam. Cash prize, live DJ, featured poet, and you! This event series is sponsored by Rahway SID.

Open Mic

Butch Kowal's, 950 Saint Georges Avenue, Rahway, NJ

This weekly open mic is hosted by HOUSECATNICK and Al Reynolds.

OPEN MIC / Community Jam

The Coffee Box, 1465 Irving Street, Rahway, NJ

All are welcome to join in the weekly open mic and community jam at The Coffee Box. 

Open Mic

Wet Ticket, 1435 Main Street, Rahway, NJ

This monthly open mic is hosted by HOUSECATNICK. Enjoy homegrown talent and locally brewed beer. 

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